Albion Environmental Limited is one of the UK’s leading consultants specialising in waste management, environmental, health and safety solutions. We deliver strategic advice, support and training to the waste management and construction industries in both the public and private sectors.
Albion Environmental Ltd are experts in provision of high quality Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) work for a range of clients.
Environmental Awareness Courses
Introduction to Waste Management Legislation (REHIS 1 Day Course)
- Developed in conjunction with a number of Local Authorities and Private sector clients, we have developed an introductory course for waste managers and operational staff which is jointly certificated by REHIS (The Royal Environmental Institute of Scotland.)
Working with Waste Management Legislation (REHIS 2 Day Course)
- A two-day course which is designed to provide a basic understanding of the legislation relating to the waste industry and provide background knowledge and understanding for CIWM (WAMITAB) candidates.
- The course is suitable for those new to the industry, anyone starting or completing CIWM (WAMITAB) COTC or experienced managers who require to be kept abreast of recent changes.
Household Re-cycling Centre Operators Course (REHIS 1 Day Course)
- The HWRC course is designed to enable individuals from Local Authorities and industry to understand the issues arising from accepting, handling, storing and disposing of waste in a Civic Amenity Site or Household Waste Re-cycling Centre and comply with all the relevant legislation.
Healthcare Waste Pre-Acceptance Audit Training (3 Day Course)
This three day course has been designed to provide a detailed understanding of the requirement for waste pre acceptance audits for healthcare waste. It is suitable for staff working in a healthcare setting, both clinical staff and facilities staff, in hospitals, GP Practices, Dentists and Health Centres.
Weighbridge Operator Course
- ½ day online or full day on site course in weighbridge operations, covering waste legislation and classification. Handling and completion of waste transfer notes, specific weighbridge legislation and tickets.
- Full day session includes some practical work on the weighbridge
- Albion Environmental Ltd. also offer Weighbridge Operator Level 2 Award, a nationally approved vocational qualification awarded by SQA. Contact Albion for more information.
Soil Waste Classification
- As one of the UK’s most highly experienced company’s in the interpretation of site investigation reports, soil waste classification and soil management.
- Our bespoke training courses are designed to help your staff understand the steps required to ensure your business is compliant with waste legislation and how you can manage waste soil in a cost effective & sustainable manner.
Authorised Officer Course
This course has been developed for staff who are working as Authorised Officers, ideally suited to those who deal with litter, fly tipping, communal waste areas and community engagement work to improve recycling.
We will work with the Council to create a bespoke course around your procedures. This will be a taught course with candidates participating in discussions and training exercises. Certificate of attendance will be provided upon completion.
Continuing Competence Refresher Course
This one-day refresher course is designed to provide candidates with updated understanding of the legislation relating to the Waste industry. The course design has been based on the Generic Syllabus and Learning Guides provided by CIWM (WAMITAB) Qualifications Centre.
Our Track Record
Albion have a proven track record of delivering courses to many local authorities and public and private sector organisations, many of whom have engaged with us further to develop and roll-out the delivery of their own in-house training for all levels of staff

We have a well-qualified and experienced team to deliver training for your organisation. All our staff currently complete CPD records for a range of professional organisations including, CIWM (WAMITAB), SQA, CIWM and have a wealth of experience in supporting organisations at strategic and operational levels.
Our accreditations
The awarding bodies that we carry out assessments and training for, are regulated by the Qualification Standards Authority (OFQUAL) and Sector Skills Council for their industry; compliance is essential. We are pleased to say that Albion have consistently received high praise from both SQA and CIWM (WAMITAB) Qualifications Centre at our annual verification visits.