Category Archives: WM3

Meet the Team – Issue 9

Welcome back to another issue of our ‘Meet the Team’ feature, where you can get to know the faces behind the company.

This week, we are sharing our Principal Consultant Andrew’s blog where he discusses his role at Albion and experience as an environmental scientist.

Andrew Howlett

Principal Consultant & Environmental Scientist

Favourite Quote:No amount of money ever bought a second of time” Tony Stark (what can I say I love Marvel!)  

Job Title: Principal Consultant

Job Role: As principal consultant, my key role at Albion is to aid in the management of the consultancy team. Responsible for writing proposals, project management, review and preparation of reports. I work on and manage a broad range of environmental projects but specialise in providing support to construction companies and waste contractors with Duty of Care compliance, WM3 waste classifications, soil reuse and management.

Experience: I started my career in 2007 in the contaminated land sector. I gained experience in the design, supervision and management of ground investigations and assessment of contaminated land sites both in relation to Part IIA and Planning. It became clear to me that soil waste classification, reuse and management of soils was an area that was often not considered within site investigation reports and regularly undertaken incorrectly, and I soon developed a keen interest in this subject. I enjoy the challenge of helping construction companies and waste contractors unpick the information contained within site investigation reports and specifically how they relate to soil waste classification and its management. This normally requires a fresh review of existing data and additional targeted investigation to keep our clients compliant with waste legislation and to help identify sustainable and cost saving waste management solutions.

Favourite project I’ve worked on: Each project always has its own unique requirement, and my enjoyment comes from unpicking existing reports and being able to find solutions for our clients. However, at present I am particularly enjoying the work we are doing with a number of waste contractors to assist them assess, classify and identify possible reuse options for their waste fines. This subject is particularly topical for several of our clients and great to be involved in trying to help them on this issue. 

Get to Know Me: My main loves in life are my family, marvel movies (hence the quote), anything with zombies, being by the sea and gin.  I grew up in London and moved to the West Coast of Scotland in 2006. I have always been drawn to the sea and my first degree was in Marine Biology before taking a slight detour into environmental consulting, waste classification and soil management. If asked what I do my kids will say “Dad does stuff with mud” not sure I would use this on my LinkedIn profile but their description about what I do for a job makes me smile and not sure I can think anything better that’s sums it up in 5 words.

When I’m not working, you’ll find me at the beach walking our dog or paddleboarding. Although if it’s too cold and wet I’ll more than likely be at home spending time with the family, trying to convince my kids to get off their devices, listening to music and watching movies.

Contact me at: or connect on LinkedIn.

Albion’s ABC’s of Waste Management – D

Duty of Care

As a business, you have a legal responsibility to ensure that you produce, store, transport and dispose of your business waste without harming the environment. This is called your Duty of Care.

Your Duty of Care has no time limit and you are specifically responsible for your waste from when you produce it until you have transferred it to an authorised person. It also extends across the entire management chain of your waste. You must:

  • Segregate, store and transport your waste appropriately and securely, making sure that you do not cause any pollution or harm to human health.
  • Check that your waste is transported and handled by people or businesses that are authorised to do so.
  • Complete waste transfer notes, including a full, accurate description of the waste, to document all waste you transfer, and keep them as a record for at least two years.

How can Albion Environmental help your business?

  • Classify your waste in accordance with WM3 guidance to enable an accurate description and European Waste Catalogue code to be applied.
  • Sample waste soils, aggregates and fines to enable them to be classified, stored and handled appropriately.
  • Undertake waste audits and process reviews to ensure your waste is being managed in accordance with your Duty of Care obligations.
  • Aid in the development of a waste and resource management plan for your business or site to help minimise waste volumes and maximise the reuse and recycling of resources. 

For further information about the Duty of Care Regulations and how Albion can help please do not hesitate to contact

Bespoke Soil Classification and Disposal Options Training Course

Soil waste classification and management is a subject that is often not covered within traditional Phase 2 Site Investigation reports.

This can leave those dealing with waste soils (e.g. developers and groundworks contractors) exposed to unknown costs for waste soil disposal and non-compliance with Duty of Care Regulations.

Following discussions with our clients operating within the Construction Industry we have developed a bespoke ½ day course covering the following topics:

  • Summary of key legislation and guidance with regard to the disposal of waste soil and stones
  • Definition of waste in the context of soil and stones
  • Interpretation of site investigation reports – identifying the key issues with regard to soil waste classification
  • Applying the waste hierarchy in the context of soil and stones
  • Soil disposal/reuse options and criteria that need to be met for each option
  • Waste Management Licence Exemptions
  • Waste Acceptance Criteria interpretation
  • Scottish Landfill Tax and the Material Qualifying Order

The course will benefit Quantity Surveyors, Contracts Managers, Technical Managers and Site Managers.

For Further Information, Contact 01292 610428 or