Category Archives: SQA


Are you aware that Albion Environmental is an experienced provider of Waste Management Qualifications?

We can assist individual’s in gaining an award which will benefit both themselves and their employer at a cost-effective price.

Whether you are new to the industry and wish to gain a qualification or if you wish to gain recognition of your knowledge and experience through a qualification, then Albion can assist you.

These qualifications cover a wide range of waste management processes from the storage and transfer of waste to the treatment of it. This would be for both non-hazardous and hazardous waste. A more detailed list of the qualifications can be found at our website (

The WAMITAB awards that we assist with are suitable for a range of sites from a car salvage yard to a waste recycling site (

To provide the candidates with as much assistance as possible, we have developed and refined our methods in delivering WAMITAB qualifications, which includes providing candidates with access to a web-based e-portfolio.

The candidates will then complete the award using our online portfolio management tool, Learning Assistant.  Rather than working with bulky paper portfolios, learners and assessors access a web- based e-portfolio that contains all their relevant course materials. Learners upload evidence to the system allowing those involved in the assessment process to plan, give feedback, assess, verify, and finally award the qualification. Candidates complete evidence summary sheets and upload these to be checked regularly online by their assessor remotely. This continues until the whole portfolio is completed and they have collected all the evidence.

Once they are ready the assessor will visit to complete an “on-site” assessment of each candidate and to check that the evidence produced is Valid, Authentic, Reliable, Current & Sufficient prior to reviewing the portfolio to complete the assessment. Achievement of this qualification demonstrates competence by the learner to operate appropriately and in accordance with employment requirements within the Environmental Services Industry.

The training will be delivered by one of our experienced assessors. To ensure the highest quality of training we ensure all our trainers have the following:

•  Training qualifications – SQA HN Unit – (F81Y 33) Planning & Delivering Learning Sessions to   Groups

• Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (CIWM) Membership

•  Qualifications and experience in the subject area being taught

•  Trainers will also often be vocational qualifications assessors and hold for example SVQ Level 4

Learning and Development (including the units A1 & V1) and hold relevant professional memberships.

If you would like to undertake an award with us, or would like further information please call 01292 610428 / email

Back to the Classrooom for Albion Staff

Six (or is it 5) Albion staff are currently completing the SQA Qualification Planning and Delivering Training Sessions to Groups  HE0T 33 SCQF level 6. This is to widen the pool of staff we have available to deliver training of accredited and Albion courses for the resource management sector!

The qualification is intended for candidates with vocational expertise or subject knowledge whose job role includes the training of others in small group settings (minimum four, maximum seven learners) and in work related learning contexts. It is also suitable for those who aspire to a training role, or who expect to have some responsibility for training as part of a future job role.

The training is delivered over 4 days by Davie Fraser from C&M Training and involves staff preparing and delivering a theory and a practical lesson to the required standard to successfully meet the qualification standard.

Good luck to the staff at the end of this month when they complete their assessed lessons!

2 Day Training Course – Working With Waste Management

Are you compliant with current Waste Management Legislation or working towards gaining a WAMITAB Certificate of Technical Competence (CoTC) award?

If the answer is ‘yes’ then our 2 Day Working with Waste Management Legislation course is not to be missed.

Next Course 24th/25th July Book Here

Jointly awarded with the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS), this two-day course is intended to provide employees with the basic understanding of the legislation relating to the Waste and Resource Management industry.

Suitable for staff working on waste management facilities and staff working in areas where they handle and manage waste on a regular basis.

Through a mixture of lecturing, case studies, group work and exercises candidates will understand the principals of the following:

  • The Definition of Waste
  • Registration of Carriers
  • Duty of care
  • EWC Codes
  • Special Waste Regulations & Consigning Special Waste
  • Carriage of Dangerous Goods (by road)
  • Storage of Hazardous /Special Wastes
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Health & Safety Management

Confirmation of learning is achieved by completion of all the course exercises with the successful candidate receiving a certificate jointly issued by REHIS and Albion.

Course Certification can be used to demonstrate Accredited Prior Learning (APL) for Waste Management awards accredited by WAMITAB and SQA.

To book your place on the 24th & 25th July please click here.

New Training/VQ Administration Manager joins Albion Team

Albion Environmental Ltd are delighted to welcome John MacSwan to the team as the new Training/VQ Administration Manager.

John comes from a background of 16 years of managing, creating and delivering courses within a Learning & Development setting along with completion of relevant administration duties. Courses ranged from bespoke to industry accredited.

Passionate about learning & developing capability using best suited interventions, John’s career thus far has involved managing client relationships across the UK & Ireland.

In his new role at Albion Environmental Ltd John will be responsible for all course arrangements and ensuring Albion Environmental comply with the various awarding body requirements (SQA, WAMITAB).We have recently reviewed our methods for carrying out WAMITAB assessment and John will be heavily involved in facilitating the new processes and maintain then to be robust and ensure assessment process will continue to:

  • Benefit the candidate and build and strengthen their knowledge
  • Benefit the candidate’s employer

Contact: 01292 610 428 or