Category Archives: Quality Protocols

Fraser Christie, Environmental Consultant Joins the Team

Please join us in welcoming Fraser Christie to the team as an Environmental Consultant to support our continued growth.

Fraser has environmental experience in the Private, Public and Third Sectors. He has a regulatory background and has carbon reduction and project management experience. Fraser also has international experience, spending eighteen months working abroad for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Victoria before joining Albion.

In his role as Environmental Consultant he will be assisting our team with environmental monitoring, site investigations, licensing and compliance assessments. Fraser is a great addition to our team who will help maintain our high standard of care and delivery to our customers.

For further information or to get in touch please contact: or T:01292 610428.

Albion’s ABC’s of Waste Management – Q

Q Quality Protocols 

A Quality Protocol sets out criteria for the production of a product from a specific waste type. Compliance with these criteria is considered sufficient to ensure that the fully recovered product may be used without harm to human health or the environment and therefore without the need for waste management controls.

Quality Protocols have been developed to establish the best practice and provide a uniform control process for producers, from which they can demonstrate that their product has been fully recovered and is no longer a waste.  Through provision of an auditable trail, they ensure compliance with current Waste Management Legislation and provide consumers with a quality-managed product which increases confidence in performance. Also, the framework created by the Protocol provides a clear audit trail for those responsible for ensuring compliance with Waste Management Legislation.

Protocols have been developed streams as varied as Gypsum/Plasterboard Recycling, Tyre Derived Rubber Materials and Poultry Litter Ash

Adoption of a Quality Protocol can not only provide increased market confidence in the quality of the products, it can further encourage greater recovery and recycling.


Quality Protocol: Aggregates from inert waste. End of waste criteria for the production of aggregates from inert waste.

The Quality Protocol sets out end of waste criteria for the production and use of aggregates from inert waste. It supersedes ‘Quality Protocol for the production of aggregates from inert waste’, revised edition (ISBN 1-84405-217-6). If the criteria set out are met, the resulting outputs will normally be regarded as having been fully recovered and to have ceased to be waste.

Producers and users are not obliged to comply with the Quality Protocol. If they do not, the aggregate will normally be considered to be waste and waste management controls will apply to its handling, transport and use.

This Quality Protocol was funded by Defra, the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) as a business resource efficiency activity. It was developed by the Environment Agency and WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) in consultation with Defra, the Welsh Government, industry and other regulatory stakeholders. The Quality Protocol is applicable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It sets out the end of waste criteria for the production and use of aggregates from inert waste.

Please follow the link to view the full Quality Protocol: Aggregates from inert waste. End of waste criteria for the production of aggregates from inert waste.