If your business uses a mobile plant you may need a pollution prevention and control (PPC) permit.
A mobile plant is plant that can be moved and is used for listed activities.
Listed activities are industrial, waste or intensive farming activities that have an impact on the environment and are listed in the PPC Regulations.
Albion Environmental Ltd specialises in the completion and submission to SEPA of PPC Permit applications across the UK, including mobile plants permits. We specialise in working with clients to develop required technical documents and answers to the application forms as required by SEPA.
The Brief
JH Civil Engineering Ltd has purchased a mobile plant for crushing and screening of inert materials (C&D) on its site, and has appointed Albion to carry out the PPC permit for mobile plants application works required by SEPA on their behalf.
Our Support
Albion’s support included:
- Site visit
- Liaison with SEPA when required
- Assessing and confirming mobile plant activity against BAT/ BREFs guidance
- Assessing potential environmental impacts and suggesting mitigation measures for potential noise, vibration and dust
- Recommendation on Management Procedures to prevent and reduce potential emissions
- Recommendation on proposed measures for monitoring emissions
- Assessment of potential significant human health and environmental effects of foreseeable emissions
- Completion of the relevant PPC Permit application forms required by
SEPA inc. separated documents with the appropriate answers - Submission of application
Albion Consultancy team has put together a full PPC Permit application as required by SEPA with accompanyingsupport documentation on behalf of JH.
Since the Permit was granted, Albion continued supporting JH with any queries related to its operations, as per Permit conditions.
Having visited the site and reviewed the main reports and plans of the site, the Consultancy team has developed a wide knowledge of the site operations and requirements.
As a result, Albion’s Consultancy team is able to continue to provide an efficient and cost effective support to JH as and when required, in order to ensure that the site remains compliant with the conditions permitted for its site operations.