A formal Planning Permission approval may be required to carry out most types of development, including:
- form an access onto a trunk road or a classified road
- change the use of land or buildings e.g. to recycling/ treatment facility
- carry out engineering or excavation works
- erect or extend any other form of building or structure.
Albion Environmental Ltd specialises in the completion and submission of planning permission applications with the required supporting documents to the relevant Planning Department.
The Brief
Deans Civil Engineering Ltd planned to restore an old brick yard site that has lain derelict for many years. Deans planned to use compliant waste material under exemption to rstroe the site. Deans appointed Albion Environmental Ltd to compile, submit and obtain the necessary Planning Permission and Waste Exemption to allow the site to be restored.
Our Support
Albion’s support included:
- Site visits
- Liaising with Planners and SEPAthroughout planning and waste exemption applications
- PREAPP application
- Development of Screening Opinion letter inc Outline of Proposed Development report
- Coordination and review of required surveys
- Development of support documentation inc Transport Management Plan, Potential Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures, Site Management Plan, Restoration Plan, Planting Schedule, Habitat Survey, Coal Report, Geological Survey, Archaelogical Survey etc
- Review and compliance with local planning policies
- Public Consultation
- Completion of online application forms and upload of relevant support documentation
- Development of working plan and waste procedures
- Submission of applications online
Albion Environmental were successful in obtaining full planning permission and waste exemption to allow Deans to restore the site.
Since the permission was granted, Albion continued supporting Deans with queries related to site operations as per planning conditions.
Albion Environmental has developed awide knowledge of the site operations which they use to assist Deans in their continued operations to restore the site.