Are you aware of your obligations under the Waste (Recyclate Quality) (Scotland) Regulations 2015? Albion’s Waste Compositional Analysis team have been providing bespoke training support and ad-hoc expert advice on the requirements for waste sampling and data provision.

A Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is a facility where collected commercial and or household recyclable waste is sorted into different material types. The so called ‘Dirty’ MRFs are those which only accept and sort residual waste.
- Are you aware of your obligations under the Waste (Recyclate Quality) (Scotland) Regulations 2015?
- Do you know what data should be reported?
- Are you aware of the sampling protocol that should be followed?
Since 2015, the sampling and testing at MRFs are covered by two main statutory documents:
- the Code of Practice on Sampling and Reporting at Materials Recovery Facilities – it aims to improve the quality of output materials by developing standardised testing processes and reporting mechanisms for all input and output materials
- the Collection and Reporting of Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) Data guidance – it aims to assist operators in complying with the Code of Practice data form. The data reporting is a requirement as set out in the Waste (Recyclate Quality) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 and the associated statutory Code of Practice on Sampling and Reporting at Materials Recovery Facilities.
Both statutory documents above apply to those facilities who hold a licence or permit and that receive/ are likely to receive 1,000 tonnes or more of mixed dry recyclable materials (comprising of two or more materials) or separately collected dry recyclable waste for sorting, over a 12-month period.
Examples of facilities excluded from the Code:
- Household Waste Recycling Centres (Civic Amenity Sites)
- MRFs receiving and sorting residual waste only (‘Dirty’ MRFs)
- Waste Transfer Stations acting only as bulking point (with no sorting activities)
- WEEE management facilities
- RDF production facilities
- MBTs – unless mixed dry recyclable waste is accepted for any MRF operations that form part of the process
Brief on Requirements
The Code of Practice sets out the requirements for sampling, including weight, frequency, reporting periods, measurement and materials to be sampled, and the information to be recorded and reported to SEPA. It requires that MRFs identify materials in relation to what is defined as:
- Target Material – A material that is specifically targeted by the MRF licence or permit holder as destined to be separated out from other material to facilitate its recycling.
- Non-target Material – A material that is capable of being recycled but is not a target material for the MRF.
- Non-Recyclable Material – Waste material that is not capable of being recycled.
Target material that is found in a sample must, as a minimum, be separately identified in the following types:
- Glass
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Metal
- Plastic
How we can help
Albion is an experienced training organisation and delivers a wide range of training for organisations across the UK.
Albion’s Waste Compositional Analysis team have been providing training support and ad-hoc expert advice on the requirements based on the MRF statutory documents.
We delivered MRF sampling training programme on behalf of Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) across all MRF operations in Scotland. We have received approval, from ZWS to use this training material (which is still current and relevant).
Training support can be tailored for each facility’s needs and activities. In general, the approach we have used with clients include the following:
- Session 1 (Half Day Theory) – This session will work through the Code of Practice and is relevant for Directors, Managers, Supervisors and also the staff that carry out the quality sampling.
- Session 2 (Full Day Practical) – Deliver one day practical sampling and sorting session for a minimum of 3 staff (max. to be agreed) at your facility, using your equipment.
- Site Specific MRF Sampling Plan – Using information provided for the training we will provide a Site Specific MRF Sampling Plan for your facility, which can then be integrated into your company procedures.
- We can also assist with undertaking waste compositional analysis surveys in accordance with relevant guidance.
To find out more or to have an informal chat please contact Jane Bond